The Tain Bracelet


The Tain Bracelet

The faces of the bracelet are inspired by the Great “Tara” brooch that dates back to the 7-8AD Ireland, which would have belonged to a high status person. This piece of Jewellery took Desmond 150 hours to carve in wax, and then re-carve, polish and finish after casting as a Master in silver. Each bracelet then takes over 12 hours of fettling, recarving with a high speed hand set and burnishing. This bracelet has been annealed three times to ensure lifelong strength for everyday wearing. You can choose to have blue, green, or red enamel eyes.

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The Tain Bracelet

The great saga of Tain Bo Cuailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cuailnge) is believed to be one of the oldest oral legends of Western Europe. The zoomorphic heads of the bracelet represent the Brown and White Bulls.

The faces of the bracelet are inspired by the Great “Tara” brooch that dates back to the 7-8AD Ireland, which would have belonged to a high status person. This piece of Jewellery took Desmond 150 hours to carve in wax, and then re-carve, polish and finish after casting as a Master in silver. Each bracelet then takes over 12 hours of fettling, recarving with a high speed hand set and burnishing. This bracelet has been annealed three times to ensure lifelong strength for everyday wearing. You can choose to have blue, green, or red enamel eyes.

Additional information


Blue, Green, Red


Sterling Silver